
The Boys’ Brigade has published hundreds of titles catering for both the leader and the young person. BB Supplies and independent publishers have also published books intended as resources and gifts, and one of the early objectives of The Boys’ Brigade was to promote and encourage reading. The Christmas gift books in the late 1890s were intended to encourage boys to read, and additionally many early BB Companies had lending libraries and reading rooms. 

Some BB publications can be found in the links, and some of the recent additions to the library are included below.

Achievement Scheme Handbook 15th Edition
Flier – Why not be in it
Consumer Champion – Gold Booklet

Heritage -
Newsletter of The Boys' Brigade Archive

Heritage is the newsletter of The Boys’ Brigade Archives. Volumns 1 and 2 were published in print form by the BB Archive Members Association. Volumn 3 onwards is a digital newsletter sent to supporters of the BB Archives monthly.


The Boys’ Brigade Archive Trust relies on supporters to further the preservation and promotion of the Heritage of The Boys’ Brigade, ensuring that is is accessible and relevant to future generations of young people. If you are able to support our work though a financial donation, by the donation of artifacts, photographs and paperwork of by volunteering please click on the links below. If you wish receive our monthly newsletter please sign up. We look forward to hearing from you and advancing the work of The Boys’ Brigade Archive Trust.

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