Bugle Band Handbook
From the early 1900’s, BB HQ supplied the Infantry Bugle Sounds handbook. By the early 1920’s the book Bugle Calls and Marches had been produced by The Boys’ Brigade and was available from BB HQ. in 1953, gramophone records with, samples of the Drum and Bugle pieces were available from BB Supplies, and latterly these were available on Audio Cassette tapes as a supplement to the Bugle Band Handbook.
Bugle calls were a requisite for the Buglers badge as stated in the Boys Handbook for 1940: The Bugler’s Badge is awarded to Buglers (or Trumpeters) qualified as above, who are able to sound the following calls correctly : Reveille (Rouse), Fatigue, Warning for Parade, Double, Fall In, First Dinner Call, Officers Call, Dinner Call, Band Call, Retreat, Orderly Sergeants, Last Post, Fire Alarm, Lights Out.