Dore A – 1963

BB Gazette Vol.72 No.1 – The Boys’ Brigade Cross for Heroism has been awarded to Alan Dore and The Boys’ Brigade Diploma for Gallant Conduct to Raymond Bailey, Peter Maxwell, Christopher Robson, and Raymond Willis, all of the 5th Plymouth Company.

The Boys were swimming at Maenporth Beach near Falmouth, when one of the Officers saw two non-BB Boys in difficulty in the large breakers. A whistle blast alerted the BB Boys and Alan Dore, after swimming about 100 yards reached the younger of the two Boys. Against a fast out-going current Alan, with the assistance of Christopher Robson (15 years) brought the Boy to the beach. The Boy’s older companion was helped ashore by Raymond Bailey (15 years). About ten minutes later a woman was seen being carried out by the current, with her husband trying in vain to reach her. Raymond Willis and Christopher Robson dived in and were followed by Alan Dore, Peter Maxwell and Raymond Bailey. Between them the Boys brought both the man and the woman safely to the shore.

Boys Brigade cross for heroism

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